About Me
- Name: BurgandySkies
- Location: Anaheim, California, United States
Well, I've been super liberal and super conservative, pagan and evangelist Christian, a career gal and a stay at home mom, the drunken wild child and the designated driver... now I'm somewhere in the middle with a decent idea of where most people are coming from and still trying to figure out where exactly I'm going.
- Hubbie's Blog
- I blame Cathy
- and Hugh
- but especially Luke
- The notorious LYT
- Day by Day, because it Roxxors
- Cinerati-Because I post there sometimes
- HomeStarRunner-"It's Dot-Com!"
- Counter Culture-Because Omi drew that picture of me up there
Previous Posts
- Today is... New Year's Day!
- Today is... New Year's Eve!
- Q & A with Burgandy
- I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!
- Fixed!
- Last Post
- Duh!
- The Balancing Baby
- The Boo
- "Cor, Cor, I almost flew to Ethiopia. Second Class...